Friday, October 18, 2013

It's a GREAT Day!

WOW - what a GREAT day it has been for our Scentsy business.  First of all, let me explain that "our" Scentsy business means Rick (my husband) and mine!  He is my business partner and thanks to my successful career with Scentsy, he now is able to work full time with me and we both love it!  Before he was able to stop working his former job, he'd take catalogs and flyers in to the other employees and would collect orders once in a while and would always keep all sizes of light bulbs in his tool box!  (He also recruited THREE consultants for me through his work.) Well, now that he isn't working away from home, he still goes to lunch on Fridays with his buddies from there and usually collects a few orders each Friday from them.  When we have new flyers and catalogs he shares those with them. he took the flyer with our Christmas Tree warmer and fabulous Clementine & Clove bars and came home with orders for EIGHT warmers and 24 bars.  Not bad for a few minutes work, huh?!?!?  I'm so proud of the way he works our business.  From the beginning of my career with Scentsy, Rick has been super supportive but as time has gone by, he's become more and more involved in all aspects of the business.  Not only is he a great salesman, he now helps with so much more!  I don't know how I ever did it without him helping each step of the way!  I've had other consultants ask me if they can "borrow" him - well, the answer is NO but he might be able to help train your spouses! LOL

Have a wonderful weekend!

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